Applied Learning – Use It or Lose It!
‘If you would thoroughly know something, teach it to others’ – Tryon Edwards (1809 – 1894). I can remember reading something like this in one of the personal development books that I read a few years ago. Don’t worry about achieving mastery, teach it anyway and your own learning will grow. I was reminded of […]
(Podcast) The Source Business Breakfast 26th August
The Source Business Breakfast went out on Source 96.1Fm in Falmouth and Penryn between 8am and 9am on Friday 26th August, 2011. LISTEN – Source Business Breakfast 26th August 2011 presented by Andy Coote Features – It’s My Business Tash Berks presents a show on Source and admits to having opinions that can be lively […]
Changing ‘the bit of the world around us’
I’m reading ‘The Hungry Spirit’ by Charles Handy at present. Not a new book by any means – published in 1998 in fact – but one that I’m finding reinforces and widens my view of the world, especially in the matter of personal responsibility. After establishing in Part one of the book that ‘capitalism, efficiency […]
Digital Books – another false dawn? Or a real shift?
I’ve always been an advocate of ‘real’ books in the face of the clamour for ebooks and the suggestion that the written word will go the same way as recorded music – that the Kindle (and other book readers) will be the iPod for its market. So how did I react when, on Christmas Day […]